Despite having more Democrats than Republicans, gerrymandering has reduced progressive representation in Louisiana. As your candidate, my top priority is increasing progressive voter registration, re-engaging disconnected voters, and empowering more Democrats to run for office, especially those who are queer, female, or people of color.

From 2012 to 2016, Democrats won 20% of the vote in the First Congressional District, increasing to 25% in recent elections. My goal is to reach 35%. To achieve this, we can’t rely on the same tactics. We need more engagement, more volunteers, and a stronger commitment to driving real change. You can get involved right now by signing up to volunteer.


  • Barack Obama progressive leadership.

    Progressive Leadership

    Even though there are more registered democrats than Republicans in Louisiana, gerrymandering has left us very little progressive representation. A priority of Mel's campaign is to increase the number of registered progressive voters, re-engage disengaged voters and encourage progressives (especially queer, female and POC residents) to run for public offices in their communities.

  • Mel Manuel represents the LGBTQ+ community

    LGBTQ+ Rights

    There have been a record 600+ anti-LGBTQ laws proposed in the United States this year, including in Louisiana, where most of them have been signed into law. Transgender people, especially trans people of color, are far more likely to be victims of violence than their cisgendered peers. LGBTQ+ youth are 4 times more likely attempt suicide than their peers. We must ensure that all LGBTQ+ individuals enjoy equal rights and can live openly and freely without discrimination or persecution.

    By running, Mel hopes to empower the LGBTQ+ community and allies to fight back.

  • Pro-choice rally. Our body, our choice.

    Our Bodies, Our Rights

    The government should not have a right to control our bodies especially when 80% of Americans support the right to choose abortion. Current anti-choice laws and punishments are draconian and dangerous. Now is the time to codify the reproductive rights previously afforded by Roe V. Wade into federal law, and to set precedents protecting our rights to gender affirming care.

  • Gun Control

    There were 604 mass shootings last year and gun violence is the number one cause of death among American children and teens. Mel supports a variety of gun control legislation to curb gun violence  including red flag laws, child access prevention laws, universal background checks, a national gun registration to track firearm ownership, banning devices like bump stocks that make guns more deadly, raising the age of gun ownership to 25, eliminating gun shows and restricting the places where guns can be sold (no more guns in Walmart, for example).

  • Environmental Protection

     We must transition to renewable energy, enforce strict regulations on corporate polluters, and invest in green jobs. Prioritizing clean air, water, and soil is essential, alongside reforestation efforts and sustainable agriculture. Strong action on climate change through carbon taxes and promoting electric vehicles is crucial. Environmental justice should ensure marginalized communities are protected from pollution and benefit from green solutions.

  • Free Healthcare

    Mel is committed to ensuring everyone in Louisiana has access to comprehensive healthcare, regardless of political obstacles. Mel will advocate for expanding Medicaid and increasing federal funding for community health centers to improve access to physical, mental, maternal, and pediatric care. Additionally, Mel will support legislation that protects reproductive rights and pushes for evidence-based drug policies focused on treatment and harm reduction, not punishment. We must fight for a healthcare system that prioritizes people’s well-being over politics, ensuring all Louisianans receive the care they deserve. Mel supports federally mandated universal healthcare for all Americans.

  • Investing in Public Education

    Mel believes every child deserves access to high-quality public education. To protect funding for public schools in Louisiana, Mel will advocate for increased federal investment in K-12 education, ensuring funds are allocated equitably and transparently. Mel will work to limit the redirection of public funds to private and charter schools, holding these institutions to the same standards and accountability as public schools. Additionally, Mel will support policies that strengthen public schools, such as increasing teacher pay, improving infrastructure, and expanding access to resources. Mel's focus is on investing in and revitalizing our public education system for the benefit of all students.